How could you be unique and special, if you're scared of standing out and, in consequence, are dimming your light?
How could you be really who you are meant to be, if you listen to everything everybody's saying?
How could you discover your unique soul, if you don't let it shine?
How could you know your own power, if you always give it away to others, trying to be validated or loved?
How can you choose to change, to overcome your pain, to embrace life again, if you're feeling weak?
To adopt this label is, to me, a door to be free to be who I am.
If I choose the "rebel" label, it means I can follow only myself... and be truly me.
I can choose what it true, giving my understanding of Life.
As a rebel, I can dress the way I want, depending on how I feel.
I can dance in the subway.
I can laugh out loud at a joke in my book.
I can be happy.
Happiness and Joy are rebels: they don't hide under the politically correct blanket. They're spontaneous and come uninvited, whenever they feel like showing up. If you're opened to them, they will not wait for you to be safely at home to present themselves: many, many occasions will rise in order for them to visit you.
When they do...
Will you hide your laughter behind your hand, trying to hush it so it will not be uncomfortably loud... or sound like a snort?
Will you smother the affectionate look you'd cast a coworker, because it could be misinterpreted?
Will you put back your outfit into your wardrobe, because you think it might be too flashy?
Will you bite your tongue in order to not speak up your disagreement, even if respectfully ?
Will you suppress your sensual vibe because it's not spiritual, or because it's too dangerous, or because you're insecure?
If you said yes to any of the above, it's time to kick yourself where you need to, and embody all that you are!
Once you accept yourself as atypical, as a rebel, as someone who doesn't follow other people's ideas, you are a lot more free.
Maybe not completely, though: you still have to free yourself inside.
Free yourself of all the things that you were told were right (or wrong), or how you should act and behave, or even how you should think. You even learned how to feel in certain circumstances!
We are conditioned to think/feel/behave in certain social ways. You might have learned it was better to kill your light than to shine it brightly.
Free yourself from the the past, from the pain, from the chains.
Then, you'll find inner peace.
From that deep peace sprouts freedom, love and joy.
Take joy in doing crazy things!
Put on that label that allows you to do things your own way, and have fun with it!
The world is your playground.
Your life is your gift.
Consciousness (God, Universe, Unconditional Love) is your best friend.