It feels a little uncomfortable, because you might think I’m crazy… well, if I am, I’m loving it!
Here we go!
We can get answers from Source.
All of us.
Whenever we want them.
If you haven’t read my 2 previous posts, I suggest you start there… they were leading to this one.
It takes a different mindset, and being opened to truth (which might bruise your ego!).
It takes imagination, the kind that is loving, that gives God the benefit of the doubt, and that excludes any negativity: if you’re being told something and it doesn’t feel true, if it’s shaming, making you feel guilty, it’s not “It”.
You might feel guilt at times, it’s true, but not because the thoughts that come through (to) you are shaming, but because you realize you’ve been acting in a way that doesn’t serve you. It’s a huge difference.
It’s quite simple, really… all you have to do is listen, with openness and attention. There’s no need to meditate, burn incense or chant mantras. It’s simple, but it doesn’t make it easy, at least at the beginning (but who knows? Maybe you’ll get it right from the start!).
There’s nothing spooky about it: it’s like you’re imagining a dialogue, a script for a book. God is one actor, and you’re the other. If Source seems too big for you, you can picture an angel, your Higher Self, a being of light… or even someone who’s passed and who loved you.
It takes practice: it’s like having to fine tune the dial of an old radio station! There’s that perfect spot where it comes through, undistorted.
It comes as a mix of images, feelings and words. That’s probably why you have to be opened, fully present, attentive, yet without holding on to it! It’s a fine balance!
If you think it can’t work for you, here’s what I have to say: The Universe is always present. There’s nothing It doesn’t know about you already, so there’s nothing to hide. Human stuff is what It loves, because It loves you. But It also have Its way of connecting, and It’s own rules, like accepting your choices.
Two others posts will follow.
One will be to show you exactly how I do it, and what’s the kind of answers I get. The other will be to show you what becomes possible once you’re connected.
Let yourself be seen, heard by Source… and listen! Let It guide you, talk to you…